Muscle is an important part of our body that makes up about 35-45% of our skeletal system. This percentage depends on which gender you are, but no matter if you are a male or female, you know how important it is to keep and maintain muscle tone. Not only does muscle burn more fat (muscle burns more calories at rest than fat), but it also helps keep our bodies toned, fit and lean. Our bodies do need some fat to keep us healthy, but muscle is also an important component of our overall health.
Recent research has shown that the mind can influence the cells in our body, and actually influence them in a way to make them grow. In fact, one study took two groups of people to test this claim. One group exercised the muscle in their pinky finger with a small weight (that weight must've looked so cute!). The other group only visualized exercising that muscle, without even lifting a finger.
So what happened? The group that actually performed the exercise increased the muscle mass in their pinky. Obvious. The group who only visualized also increased muscle mass! I know you can tell I'm very excited about this, because it shows that visualization packs a heck of a punch in growing and building muscle. When you combine visualization with a deep state of trance, just wonder, right now, what you could do.
Is hypnosis a reliable way to attract love into your life? Is it a way to help fulfill your needs that you desire in another? I cannot tell you how many times I get these types of questions--people need love! My answer? Absolutely. Hypnosis is an incredible tool to help you attract anything you desire--including love.
How Does this Work?
Well, there are basically three reasons why I think self hypnosis is powerful in attracting love. You may have already heard of these, but I wish to explore them more in depth.
1. Self love. This is the first step to take in attracting love into your life. You have heard it before, and I will say it again. You cannot first come into a relationship and give yourself 100% if you don't fully appreciate yourself first. No amount of money or material goods will help keep a relationship alive, nor will it help entice another person of substance towards you. Loving yourself is the foundation you need to become a part of a lasting and loving relationship.
By allowing yourself to love yourself, you are creating an "aura" or a new way of moving your body (body language) that lets others be more comfortable with you. When you are comfortable with yourself, others become comfortable with you, as well. Loving yourself isn't about standing in front of a mirror and saying, "By George, I'm good enough and I love myself!". It is so much more that that. You have to go deep into your subconscious mind and really embed words of love into your mind so that self love becomes second nature.
2. Focus and awareness. Self hypnosis is powerful in attracting love because it also helps center and focus the mind on bring forth another in your life. Whenever you decide that you want something, and you really want it, your mind will be completely centered around that thing until you get it. Just like with love, what you focus on intensely you will get more of, and it will start to grow in your own life. In hypnosis, you use your ability to visualize and imagine the love you desire and fully immerse yourself in the desired outcome. This will focus your mind and allow your brain to continue to look for the right love in every corner of your life.
3. The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is great, however if you don't use the proper tools to utilize this method for manifesting, then it isn't going to go over all that well. Whenever you focus your mind on love and create an aura of love around yourself (self love), it is almost as if you are sending a letter or message to the Universe, telling the Universe that you are ready to receive love in your life. By opening yourself up to love, you are, in essence, opening yourself up to the powers of the Universe.
Now you don't necessarily have to believe that this will work for it to actually work. In the video above I explain how and why I believe self hypnosis works in attracting love into your life. If you are looking for someone in your life, or just for loving feelings or emotions, give it a shot. There's nothing to lose, and no one but you will know. Just by reading this, right now, you are one step closer toward bringing love into your life.
All of my readers, followers, friends and family (all those descriptions can be used simultaneously) now have access to a free self hypnosis session for activating the Law of Attraction to manifest and bring forth a goal into fruition. The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool to use in your own life, only if you know how to use it and activate it. Hypnosis provides a way to access the part of the mind that helps achieve goals almost instantly.
If you have every used hypnosis for attracting wealth, happiness, love, a goal or dream, then you already know how powerful the mind is at bringing forth a desired outcome, and how it happens almost like magic.
You can receive the free self hypnosis download here.
Before you use this program, be sure the write down your goal before hand, as if you have already achieved it. In fat, write down a realistic date as to when you want the goal to be achieved. This will help direct the mind, and the Universe, toward a specific time to achieve this outcome.
Please go here to receive your free self hypnosis download for manifestation and activating the Law of Attraction.
Many hypnotists claim that they can flat out get rid of allergies, and many of them are exactly right. Allergies happen in the brain, afterall, so why can't we use hypnosis (which works directly with the function of our brains) to "re-worked" the networks associated with allergies. This can sometimes sound like a bit of a stretch to some, but when we examine how allergies work, and the actual research associated with hypnosis and allergies, we can come to a close conclusion that may suggest that hypnosis does work for relieving one of allergic responses.
Sometimes our bodies, and our minds, make mistakes and identify a completely normal substance in our environment as being harmful or invading. When this occurs, our immune system turns on into a hypersensitive state and tries to attack this foreign substance.
There are two types of cells (B- and T- cells) which protect your body from these substances, when they mistake this substance as being harmful, and allergic cascade happens within the body. Histamines are released to combat the harmful invader, producing sneezing, rashes and other allergic symptoms.
Since every process that happens in our body first has to be received by messages in our mind, we know that the brain is controlling this entire sequence of events. Our mind makes the mistake first, which then directs the cells (B and T) to release the histamines to counteract the allergen.
How to Use Hypnosis for Allergies
Certain studies have already shown a link between hypnosis and a lessened allergic response, and there are thousands of people in the United States alone who have attempted and succeeded with relieving themselves of allergies through hypnosis.
However, how does it work? I suspect that whenever we form that mind-body connection during hypnosis and during trance, we can actually "speak" to the cells in our body and help direct them towards reacting in a different manner when exposed to an allergen.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a forerunner in the field of epigenetics, has already shown in his own research that our subconscious thoughts and belief patters actually do "speak" and direct our cells in our bodies, making sense to the idea of using hypnosis. When we go into trance, we go straight to the subconscious mind, thus affecting those thoughts that direct the cells to form a healthier response to allergic stimuli.
Hypnosis also uses imagination and visualization exercises that allow you to put yourself in a safe place whenever you encounter an allergic response. For example, in my hypnosis program I use both a cell talk AND visualization exercise that goes deep within your subconscious awareness and embeds a state of mind that you will automatically put yourself in during the encounter. This state of mind is usually a safe place that you feel the most comfortable, relieving anxiety and helping the cells respond in a healthy and smooth way. This safe place can be anything, but most people like to imagine a beautiful, bright white light surrounding them, protecting them and healing them.
If you have used hypnosis for getting rid of allergies, or had success with my program, please tell me about it! Let others know what they can do to lessen their response to their allergies with natural methods, and share your experience with using hypnosis. The more people know about how our mind works and how allergies are all in the mind, people will stop the sneezing, the scratching and the coughing. It is my goal to help as many people blossom into a healthier state of being.
It's the weekend! I hope all of you guys enjoy the time off (unless you work during the weekend--I love you guys!) and really take some time to relax. You deserve so much right now, so sit back and calm your body and watch my new video about how hypnosis works for weight loss, with mind opening studies that will blow your mind. Plus, at the end of Part Two, receive a valuable coupon for 1/2 off of my hypnosis download for weight loss.
*Go here to hear a sample of a weight loss hypnosis session. Order the download and receive HALF OFF when you use this code at checkout - Coupon Code: S46D5152
For a few days now I have been working on a program for smoking cessation, and have done all kinds of research into how the mind works with "addictions". I quote the term addictions because I actually don't believe it is a complete addicion to cigarettes at all, merely a habit that can easily be unlearned.
The Term Addiction
This is a very hard word, one that summons emotions of fear, pain, hopelessness, powerless, etc. But is is surprising that most doctors or specialists apply this term to a smoker, or one who engages in a habit every day, multiple times a day? Labeling oneself as being "addicted" makes the brain believe that it is broken, and that it will be extremely hard to try and lift this addictions and to give up smoking.
I don't like to label people, especially with such a hard word like addiction. I do believe you can become addicted to other things, like hard drugs, Twitter and Facebook and maybe exercise. However in my own hypnosis experience and research, I have found that people who smoke are more "habitual smokers", and that smoking is only 10% addiction and 90% habit (OK, I don't really know the percentages, but this is my guess).
Breaking the Habit
There are usually three things that I see the most when dealing with clients or customers (I like to call them my family, but you get the picture) when they use hypnosis to quit smoking. These three things can sometimes envelop the whole habit of the person, or the person may only identify with one. Either way, when they do identify, it makes it so much easier to overcome the habit of smoking. These three things are:
Habit. Always needing to do something with the hands, or put something in the mouth. Freud called this oral fixation. It may also be do to anxiety or boredom.
Environmental triggers. Seeing someone else light up, smelling cigarette smoke, stressful situations, being offered a cigarette, etc.
Belief. You may actually have a limiting belief in your subconscious that you need to smoke, or that it serves you in some way. Perhaps cigarette smoke connects your mind with a memory of a loved one who used to smoke.
These three points are all emphasized and addressed in most hypnosis programs for smoking cessation, and are especially worked through in my hypnosis CD (more to come on the availability of this program).
Using Hypnosis to Give Up Smoking
Sometimes it happens after only one session. Sometimes two or three. Some smokers, when they feel the urge, whip out the hypnosis CD for a tiny "tune up". How come it is this simple, if smoking is truly and "addiction", that something like hypnosis (especially the powerful techniques that I use) can rid one of cravings and stop them from smoking, almost instantly? This is why I suspect it is more of a habit than an "addiction".
In my own hypnotherapy program, I use regression therapy where we go back into your past and find if there is something influencing your present to make you want to smoke. Even if nothing comes to you at the time, your subconscious mind has been "notified" to look for that memory, and works on finding it throughout the day. Sometimes whenever people do not noticing any memory during the session, they find that something "pops" up in their mind throughout the day, or when they wake up the next day. The mind truly is amazing sometimes (actually all the time!).
Also, we find the trigger that makes you pick up a cigarette, and we replace it with something that is healthy, life promoting and that will be completely productive for you. It's hard to do this without the techniques that I present in the program, but if you decide not to buy my program now, you can try and find the trigger on your own, and then go about replacing the action (smoking) with something more healthy (picking up a glass of clean, refreshing water, exercising, writing, etc.).
I did a radio show yesterday about how the mind works in overcoming addictions, and even did a short free hypnosis session at the end designed to "tune up" or get you on the right start to quitting smoking. You can hear the archive here.
Thank you everyone, and please leave your comments and questions below. I will get back to you ASAP! Also, if you liked what you read, please share this post for me. Tweet, Facebook, Digg, Stumble, Bookmark--anything I can do to help as many people as I can will make me extremely happy! Thank you all.
Hello everyone! It is Tuesday, May 11th 2010. I hope the week is going very well for all of you (and if it isn't, let me know!).
I'm doing a quick post today to let you know about a "Healthy Weight Week" that I am hosting over at my other blog, The Healthy Advocate.
The reason why I am posting this on my beloved hypnosis blog is because on Day 1, I wrote about how to put yourself in the right state of mind in order to lose weight, gain weight or maintain a healthy weight. Or, perhaps, you are only trying to eat healthier and love to exercise. I put all the information you need in the post about first changing your mind through self-hypnosis.
If you are starting a program to lose weight, become healthy, stopping an addiction,shaping your body, attracting love or wealth--whatever it is--you first need to start off with the correct foundation, in your mind, before jumping into action. This is because you want your mind to already believe that you have accomplished your goal (and therefore you need to have a goal in mind already), making it much easier to take action.
Please take the time to read the post about how to get into the correct state of mind, as I give you steps on how to do self-hypnosis in order to achieve this desired state.
I'm giving away a free download for my hypnosis program, "Hypnosis for a Healthy Lifestyle" (picture above). This is such a powerful program, and my favorite of my hypnosis CDs and mp3's. It contains 9 tracks along with a 'Healthy Lifestyle' booklet which contains a meal planning and exercise guide.
If you want this, please give me a comment below (2 entries) and I will include you in the giveaway. You can also subscribe to my newsletter, at for an 3 extra entries. You can also tweet this blog post on Twitter (2 entries). You have to put either @gemfan2012 OR @HypnoticSubliminals in the tweet.
This is a $29.95 value, so get your entries in if you want to love eating healthy, love to exercise and begin shaping your body to a healthier and slimmer figure. Check out the program here for a free sample of the hypnosis download. Good luck!
I've posted the player here on the blog, so if you don't want to go to the show page you can listen here. The player is on the sidebar on the left, right at the top. It would be nice, though, if you can go to the show page and become friends with me, comment or share the show.
There will be two shows a week, Monday and Wednesday at 2 PM CST, 3 PM EST or 12 PM PST. Please come by and call in with questions, comments or be hypnotized LIVE on the air.
It's a good morning this Wednesday. The sun is shining, the air is crisp and new and my mind is full of ideas and imaginations. Don't get me wrong, I am not always like this. We all have our days where we feel a bit, what should I say, moody? Sometimes, for no reason at all, we feel as though we would snap at Mary Poppins. No human contact is needed or wanted during these days, as the world is plotting against my efforts. We all go through this. What you want, however, is to not stay stuck in this.
Using Your Mind to Get Out of Your Funk
I never use the word funk, but I believe that is an appropriate one to use for this subject. Sometimes when we are in this state of mind, where negative things seem to multiply by the minute and we continue to think, I am a good person! Why is this happening to me?
The problem is, while these things are happening, we constantly believe that this are happening to us. It is understandable, afterall, seeing how the problems seem to center around our person, and how people or events just don't work out at the time. It's very logical to think that these things are happening to us.
However, the reason why these negative things continue to happen is because we allow them to happen with our mindest. Let me explain. Every belief we hold initiates our actions. When we believe that a burgular, for instance, might break in because the door is unlocked, our immediate action is to lock the door. We do this without even thinking because we believe that this is a possibility and our actions prove this.
Therefore, whenever we believe that bad things are happening to us, and that they will continue happening to us, they will actually continue happening. Until you fall asleep and can go within, where your subconscious mind starts filtering the events into important and non-important things, you will continue feeling miserable and at odds with the world.
How You Can Change Your Mindset to Change Your Day
You don't have continue sabotaging your day with your thoughts any longer. There are certain techniques to change your brain, body and verbal language easily and instantly in order to change your day.
Get out of yourself. Do something for others. I know this is one I'm sure you have already heard, and you might be over it, but it really does work. Knowing that contributed toward another person's life, even in the most miniscule way, can have a powerful impact on your mood. One single act of kindess--a smile, a "thank you", opening the door for another--can change that person's mood, creating a wave of good feelings that stride though many, many people throughout the day. You could help better the moods of so many people you may never have a chance to meet, all in one day, just by being kind to another.
Drink water! I am big on nutrition, as well as the mind. But in order to have a healthy mind to really get the benefits of hypnosis, you have to give it what it wants. Your brain needs water, oxygen and essential nutrients to work right, to think correctly and to handle stressful situations. The easiest thing for you to do to feel better, elevate your mood and turn your day around is to drink more clean, cool and refreshing water. It's getting me thirsty just thinking about it.
Use hypnosis. This is my favorite method, as I'm sure you are aware. Using your mind to accomplish anything you want is definitely not new to you by now. There is a way to heighten your sense, produce endorphins and raise your mood almost instantly.
Start by finding a cool, private place that you can have to yourself for 2-5 minutes. Close your eyes, relax and start breathing. Breathe in for a count of two beats, hold this breath for a count of two beats and then release the breath for a count of two beats. Getting oxygen into your brain really provides a natural alleivieator for pain and mood. Do this exercise for about a minute and a hal.
Next, see yourself in your mind as having a really good day--and I mean really good. See yourself smiling, engaging with others, having fun, loving your life while still retaining humility and still adhering to your personal morals. After imagining yourself like this for a minute, continue breathing and then imagine yourself "jumping" into that imagined you. Imagine totally immersing yourself and feeling aligned with those feelings of happiness and of having a really good day. You have turned your day around and you feel great and alive. Fully integrate yourself with this imaged you, and incorporate all of your five senses within the imagination.
Continue the breathing and then count backwards in your mind to wake yourself up. Go throughout your day and notice the difference. Your mood, your ability to handle stress and your emotions will remain stable and in control the rest of the day.
These things have always worked for me, and I'm sure they will work for you as well. I'm currently working on a program that uses hypnosis to turn your day around and helps put you in a better mood instantly. Will be available very soon, so keep an eye out!
Hypnosis has been gaining popularity for a few years now, and it's gaining more so in Hollywood. Celebrities have been becoming more and more aware of the power of the mind, and the power of hypnotherapy, that many are seeking out new ways to think and behave using hypnosis.
Below is a short list of some celebrities who have used hypnosis. This list is not by any means exhaustive, as more stars are using this amazing ability everyday.
Ellen DeGeneres
Funny girl Ellen DeGeneres, who hosts her own talk show Ellen, brought hypnotist Paul McKenna onto her show to break her long time smoking habit. During her session, Ellen was brought to tears by the hypnotic overlapping therapy (this type of hypnosis uses feelings and images of certain people, places or events to create a deep emotional state associated with the behavior).
Since being a teenager, Ellen struggled with smoking and has longed since looked for a solution to quite her habit. Very recently she discovered hypnosis to stop smoking, and has never looked back. She ditched the habit successfully, using only the power of her mind and a well trained hypnotist, and is looking toward a healthier, happier and longer future.
Watch Ellen being hypnotized to stop smoking:
Matt Damon
Matt Damon, star of The Departed, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ocean's Twelve and The Bourne Identity, also used hypnosis to detach himself from his smoking habit of 16 years.
After filming Ocean's Twelve, Damon took it upon himself to turn his health around. After one visit to the hypnotist to change the way he thought about his addiction and to change his actions toward smoking, Matt Damon broke free. He is no longer a smoker and is enjoying feeling powerful and in control.
More and More...
Other celebrities have also credited hypnosis for breaking their bad habits. From Drew Barrymore to Ashton Kutcher, Ben Afflek to Charlize Theron, more and more Hollywood A-listers are catching on to the power of hypnosis.
Here is a short list I found on another website,, which gives quite a long list of famous people around the world who utilized their mind to change their lives:
Orlando Bloom was so hooked on chocolate as a child, his mother called in a hypnotist to help him shape up.
Kevin Costner flew his personal hypnotist to Hawaii to cure his seasickness.
Tiger Woods' mental coach hypnotizes him to block out distractions and focus on the golf course.
Jackie Kennedy Onassis used hypnotherapy to relive and let go of tragic events in her life.
Mozart (1756-91) was said to have composed the famous opera "Cosi fan tutte" while hypnotized.
Albert Einstein used trance states to develop his ideas.
Lord Tennyson Alfred (1809-92) wrote complete poems while hypnotized.
Rachmaninov (1873-1943) reputedly composed one of his concertos following a post-hypnotic suggestion.
Goethe (1749-1832) writer and scientist and, Chopin (1810-1849) pianist and composer both took classes in hypnosis at the University of Strasbourg.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) physicist - known to have his hypnosis sessions every afternoon. His theory of relativity came to him while maintaining one of these sessions.
Do you have a problem in your life that you want to change? Is there something in your life that you want more of, less of? Do you want to attract others, break a habit, learn to be a better musician or speaker? Anything you want is available to you and is easily achieved through hypnosis. What are you waiting for? It's your time to shine.
I am a twenty year old health guru who researches nutrition, fitness, the power of the mind, drug companies and government influence on health. I am into positive thinking and meditation, but prefer hypnosis for developing deep change.
I LOVE and ENJOY educating others about health and disecting the truth about nutrition and disease, and connecting with others who have a growing curiosity with the wellness of the world.
Visit to Take Control of Your Brain! Learn hypnosis for free, find out why you do the things you do, and listen to free hypnosis downloads.